A good thought will definitely produce good result, Like early stated, a good plan with a good structure will yield massive productions,
A good thought will definitely produce good result, Like early stated, a good plan with a good structure will yield massive productions, the school sport structure in Nigeria needs to be properly reviewed, many talents can also be discovered through the school sports system, the school need to have a virile sport department with good personnel in order to harness talents, The University system that produces sport teachers are been faced with the challenge of not having the genuine sports persons for Human Kinetics courses, the system is now eroded with drop out from other discipline without any affiliate with sports even becoming lecturers, hence “you don’t give what you don’t have” . Many schools in Nigeria today, don’t have the required space within the school premises for talents to harness, and this could be blame on the lack of quality measures and standard by the Education ministry in giving approval to schools, if the ministry sees sports as an integral part of education, then there is need to revisit the above issue.